Wednesday, February 22, 2006

{our eyes}

it doesn't matter what i say...
its just as easy as to breathe,
and as tough as is to live...

dive into my universe and take a peak..
grab inside my soul...
rehearsed words just won't do...
they dissolve in oxygen...

'cause i don’t have to say a word...
i'll let my eyes speak for me...
and you don’t have to worry about
how you'll have to answer me...
its just as easy as to breathe,
stop wondering why you're here with me...

and smile....
your smile will answer me...
look back...
your eyes will tell me why...
i’m here...
i’m here adoring you,
just shine......

and you don’t have to speak at all...
just let your eyes say what you feel...
and i’ll try not to fear this world...
'cause in your eyes i'll feel your kiss...

and try...
try not to glide away...
the answer you've been seeking for..
i'll be...
your shelter in your time of need...
your light...

and smile....
your smile will answer me...
look back...
my eyes will tell you why i’m here...

Monday, February 06, 2006

Explosiones de luz

Caricia permantente al pensarte...
descarga sigilosa al besarte...
volver a sentir como nunca había sentido...
temblar al sentirte... acercarte a mi oído...

El momento sigue aqui, no quiero despertar...
explosiones de luz al hablar...
no pensar...
y sentir...
no gritar...

Caricia permantente al pensarte...
descarga electrizante al besarte...

Explosiones de luz al mirarme en tus ojos...
y al verme reflejado como lo que solo tú ves...
que bueno que me ves...

Explosiones de luz al hablar...